Spyware exterminator in its quest to rid computer suystems and internet surfing of threats and identity thefts brings to you;
Spyware infilteration and Detection.
Spy attacks abound and by the second spyware threats continue to pose a menace which affects all computer system users the world over.
Spy attacks abound and by the second spyware threats continue to pose a menace which affects all computer system users the world over.
Following are useful and insightful tips on how you can carry out a DIY self detect or self diagnosis in troubleshooting your computer system for spyware infilteration and/or attack. Secondly, we will also consider the goal of every spyware program which indiscriminately installs itself on your computer system (without your knowledge and consent) to wreak great havoc vis a vis identity theft perpetration.
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Spyware presence on your computer system (desktop, laptop, palmtop) can easily be suspected and detected if and when you notice any of the following happen when your computer system is started up and running:
1. Computer system takes ages to boot
2. Computer performance slows down
3. Pop-up advertisements appear incessantly whenever you are connected to the internet (www.)
4. Switch /LAN card/ Internet connection indicator lights blink 'TOO RAPID" -indicating some activity in the background
5. Whenever you discover you have lost files and downloaded items or materials on your computer system
6. Pooling- a situation whereby you are unable to quickly open to /access a website
7. Service denial attack -which can be traced to undue engaging of server on same errand multiple times
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SRid Your Computer System of Spy Attacks
SRid Your Computer System of Spy Attacks
A spyware program is designed to SPY, SCAN, PROBE your computer system (zip drive, floppy/ diskette drive, hard disk drive, flash drive/ mirovault, cd rom drive, ipod) for the following:
1. Username
2. Pin code
3. Security key/ code
4. Credit card info
5. Password(s)
6. Online purchases/ business transactions
7. Browsing activity
and report back to a third party /the HACKER all of these details.
Plainly stated, SPYWARE is developed for IDENTITY THEFT purposes.
Every effort must be made to rid our computer system world of SPYWARES. The reason we must watch our activity(ies) when it comes to surfing the world wide web, downloading of information and visiting untrusted/ unknown sites.
Till i shall come your way again when i shall yet take you another milestone further, keep on enjoying your computer system.
From Spyware exterminator blog, much as i will continue to say- always keep the DEFENSE SHIELD UP. To your success- CHEERS!